5 Ways You Can Update Your Work-From-Home Wardrobe
As a working mother, finding the perfect balance of professional style and comfort can be difficult. When you work from home, you can dress more relaxed than you would in the office, but you still need to make sure you look presentable. Check out these simple ways to update your work-from-home wardrobe.
Keep It Semi-Professional
Many workplaces have become more lenient with what employees can wear for remote positions. While you don’t need to dress up in formal attire, you should still ensure your work clothes are clean, pressed, and presentable.
Invest in quality items such as blazers, cardigans, or blousy T-shirts since each easily transitions from home to office attire. You want to give off a professional image while still being comfortable, especially when you need to turn on your webcam for meetings.
Prioritize Comfort
Feeling cozy in your clothes is always a priority and allows you to move freely throughout your day. When working from home, you often have to juggle the responsibilities of your career alongside taking care of your house. Many working mothers take breaks from the workday to sit with their little one and enjoy a bit of playtime. Making that shift from your work brain to your mama brain becomes easier with a semi-professional yet comfy outfit.
Invest In Quality Garments
Quality matters in your wardrobe, so make sure you invest in items that will last. Shop for well-made pieces meticulously crafted with durable fabrics. These items are more resistant to wear, giving you a long-lasting look. Shop for materials such as linen and cotton, which are durable, stylish, and comfortable.
Typically, small fashion brands sell higher quality clothing than big brands because they don’t mass-produce apparel; instead, each item gets the care it deserves.
Shopping Tip
Beachwood Baby sells fabulous clothing options, including women’s linen jumpsuits. We’ve designed our clothing for mamas, pregnant or not.
Wear Your Style
Another tip for updating your work-from-home wardrobe is to stay true to your style. If you prefer wearing colorful attire, mix a few splashes of color with neutrally colored apparel. At its core, style is about you—a form of self-expression. Your camera may be off for the day, but you can still dress in the clothing that makes you feel beautiful.
Buy Versatile Clothing
When shopping for a work-from-home wardrobe, look for items that can easily transition from day to night. Shop for outfits such as jumpers, shirts, and jackets that you can wear to occasions outside of work. This will give you more options and make your wardrobe more versatile. Best of all, you can always show off your great sense of style.
Upgrade Your Wardrobe
Have a little fun with your wardrobe and buy pieces you love to make working from home more enjoyable. Beachwood Baby sells premium clothing you’ll love wearing daily.